In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are still worrying data from health care institutions. 35 people died and 1,726 were newly infected with coronavirus. 573 people recovered. The number of active cases is almost 20 thousand.
The contract will define that the bidder guarantees good performance, that the quantity of the first contingent is at least 100,000 vaccines, and the deadline for its delivery is three working days from the day of signing the letter of credit.
The contract will also define that the payment of the price will be made successively, after the delivery of vaccines and obtaining the approval of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of BiH for the use of the vaccine.
The government has instructed the Ad Hoc team to continue working with all other bidders who require additional deadlines for submission of bids or possibly new bidders, who subsequently appear to continue negotiations for the procurement of additional quantities of vaccines.
The Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Ministry of Health are in charge of immediately undertaking activities for the redistribution of funds planned in the Budget of the Federation of BiH for 2021 to the Public Health Institute of the Federation of BiH, for the procurement of coronavirus vaccines (COVID-19).