The best B&H basketball player Mirza Teletović will leave the Brooklyn Nets if his manager Miodrag Ražnatović is able to agree on a transfer to another NBA team.
The manager from Belgrade confirmed this and said that ‘’Mirza did not receive a minute of playing time as in the preparatory period’’.
‘’Now the situation is better. He will get a chance, but, generally, our idea is to try to find luck somewhere else. We will try in a quiet and civilized way to agree with the club and to come to a trade in the next month or two where he will get more playing time’’, said his trainer.
‘’I am absolutely certain that he can be one of the top NBA players because he has a shot that other top players do not have. It is up to us to be able to find the right place, where he will have a leadership position as he had in the national team and in Kaha Laboral’’, said Miodrag Ražnatović for TV1.
(Source: Avaz)