Police officers of the Police of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking regular measures and actions within their activities, noticed today at 3.32 am that the inscription “Brčko 92 never forget Srebrenica 95 8372 Bosnia Herzegovina Fanaticos (BHF)” was crossed out on the wall of the city cemetery in Ivica, and below it also in Cyrillic written other “Serbia 4C”, Avaz news portal reports.
Taking intensive measures and actions within their competence, police officers of the Brcko District Police, under the supervision of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Brcko District of BiH, clarified the event in a very short time and identified the perpetrators, the Brcko District Police said.
After criminal processing, G.P. born in 1985 from Brcko and O.P. born in 2000 in Brcko were arrested and measures and actions will be taken against these persons.
Persons from “BH Fanatikos” fixed their inscription today and deleted the offensive graffiti.
(Photo: Infobrcko)