In Bosnia and Herzegovina, 264,875 citizens currently do not have a valid ID card, while 290,747 drivers have not renewed their driver’s license, according to the latest data from the Agency for Identification Documents, Records and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA).
At the end of last year, 248,206 citizens did not have a BiH ID card, while 258,523 people had not renewed their driver’s license.
“The number of people without a valid ID card increased by 16,669 in the year, and those without a valid driver’s license by 32,224. The data indicate a growing number of citizens who do not possess basic identification documents,” the IDDEEA said.
According to the data available to the IDDEEA for 2021, there were 241,644 citizens without a valid ID card, while this number increased in 2022, and according to official data, there were 242,869 people without this document, reports the “Večernji list” edition for BiH.
The deadline for submitting an application for the issuance of an ID card is 60 days after reaching the age of 18 or 60 days after a person permanently settles in BiH if they have reached the age of 18.
Given the fact that possessing an ID card is a legal obligation, every citizen over the age of 18 with a permanent residence in BiH is obliged to have an ID card issued in the place of residence.
The deadline for submitting an application for the replacement of an ID card is 15 days before the expiration of the existing one. The Agency notes that a fine of 30 KM to 300 KM is prescribed for violating this legal obligation.
The fee paid when issuing an ID card is 18 KM, and 60 KM is required for a driver’s license.