The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Igor Kalabukhov, said that the OHR had become a brake on the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As he pointed out, the peoples of BiH can find a solution. Kalabukhov pointed out the importance and significance of the Day of Victory over Fascism. As he said, that holiday is genetically engraved on the peoples who celebrate it.
Kalabukhov reminded of the position of the Russian Federation on the closure of the OHR in BiH, which he called an outdated instrument of the international community, but did not say that this position of Russia would stop the intention to appoint a new High Representative in BiH.
He also commented on the working document that appeared before the meeting of EU foreign ministers.
He said that the Russian Federation is familiar with the priorities that BiH should fulfill on the road to the EU and that it has nothing against BiH’s external priorities. This document states that the fulfillment of 14 priorities from the EC Opinion for moving the country from Dayton to Brussels is essential for BiH.
The need to accelerate reforms is also emphasized, especially in the area of the rule of law.