The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), on the proposal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, passed the Decision on awarding the State Award for Sports of BiH in 2022 to Lana Pudar in the value of 10.000 BAM.
To recall, the Council of Ministers of BiH last week, on the proposal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, made a decision on the distribution of funds intended for the current grant “co-financing of sports events” for 2022.
The Ministry distributed a total of 1.342.000 BAM to 155 winners of funds, however, the Orka Water Sports Club, the best club in BiH as chosen by the BiH Olympic Committee for 2022, was not on that list.
”Shame on the commission that made this decision and in that way best showed all the splendor of arrogance, arbitrariness, and insolence that reigns in this institution. Look at the list of winners and the amounts they received on their website, and itwill be clear to you by what ‘criteria’ they were guided by and what was the only thing that mattered to them,” it was stressed from Orka.
Nevertheless, the Council of Ministers of BiH, at the proposal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, yesterday made a decision on the awarding of the State Award for Sports of BiH in 2022.
”The state award for sports of BiH for 2022, worth 10.000 BAM, was awarded to swimmer Lana Pudar, as the highest recognition of BiH for her exceptional contribution to the development of sports and the affirmation of BiH. Among the sporting successes of this young woman from Mostar are first and third place in the 200-meter butterfly discipline at the senior championship in Rome and the senior world championship in Abu Dhabi. Pudar is, among other things, a multiple European junior champion, and she was also a two-time winner at the Mediterranean Games held in Oran in 2022,” the Council of Ministers announced.