In 2025, aggregated inflation is expected to reach 3.6%, and in 2026, 3.5%, according to information on the results of the inflation expectations survey conducted in December 2024, published by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBiH).
The results of the December round of the survey pertain to short-term forecasts of expected inflation for 2025 and 2026. The survey results indicate a gradual stabilization of expected aggregated inflation compared to previous survey rounds.
“These results imply positive expectations regarding short-term inflation trends, which, as a result of these expectations, could stimulate other macroeconomic indicators in the future. Therefore, to inform the public about expected inflationary movements, the CBBiH continues to conduct regular surveys,” the CBBiH stated.
Decision-makers continue to base their future spending on expected price movements. Representatives of the financial sector, including banks and insurance companies, also participated in this survey round.