BiH is also known for its very complicated and unstable market for foreign and domestic investment, a huge administrative mechanism, and very complex tax system.
In the first three quarters of 2017, the public debt of BiH reached the amount of 11.9 billion BAM, where the external debt makes 8.4 billion BAM. BiH is still considered as moderately indebted country.
We owe most of the money to the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the IMF, the EBRD and the European Commission.
On the other hand, BH institutions will have 950 million BAM on their disposal from the extended credit program with the IMF. So far, the first tranche in the amount of 150 million BAM has been paid within the arrangement between BiH and the IMF and the total value of the credit program is around 1.1 billion BAM.
The Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA BiH) collected a record number of revenues from indirect taxes, and it amounts to 7 billion BAM. This was collected on the basis of VAT, excise duties, customs and tolls.
This represents an increase by 4 % in relation to the initial plan, as well as 7,1 % increase in comparison to the revenues that were collected in the year of 2016.
Parliamentarians adopted the Law on Excise Duties after more than a year. According to the Law on Excise Duties, excise duties will be increased by 15 pfening on biofuels and bioliquids, as well as tolls, from the beginning of 2018.
(Source: N1)