BiH is in the 65th place on the list of the most peaceful places for life, showed the Global Peace Index for 2012 year, which was prepared by researchers of the Institute for Economy and Peace.
This index shows that Iceland is the most peaceful place to live, while Somalia is the most dangerous.
When it comes to countries of region, Croatia is in the 35th place out of 158, followed by Serbia in the 64th, BiH 65th, Albania 66th, Macedonia in 68th and Montenegro which is stated to be the least peaceful country in the region in the 81st.
GPI, who indicates the level of stability in peace in the World, put the region of Western Balkans in the upper part of the table which goes against the claims that this region is unsafe and dangerous place to live.
According to previous surveys, starting in 2007, when BiH was in the 75th place, it moved up for 10 places in five years.
The results of GPI indicate the level of peace in 158 countries on the basis of perceived criminality in society, jailed population, access to weapons, violent demonstrations, military expenditure, political instability, etc.