Nejla from Kalesija has many health problems. In order to survive, she must have a surgery on her spine as soon as possible, and the surgery should be performed in Zagreb. It will cost 12.000 EUR. Billy raised people from BiH and diaspora to their feet and collected 12.000 BAM in a very short period of time, but since that was not enough he decided to sell his new car, Gold 7 GTI.
“I am running out of time. I must save her. The car will be sold soon, one man from Mostar will come to see it. I will buy myself a bike and enjoy,” said Agić.
Agić bought the car four months ago and when he heard about Nejla’s case he realized that he cannot and does not want to be selfish, and that he will be equally happy with a Golf 2.
Agić became very popular in the country and broader. More than 85.000 people follow him on Facebook and he regularly informs them about his actions and makes appeals thanks to which many people receive help in the right time. He dedicated his life to other people.
“I grew up in difficult conditions. When my friend killed himself, I realized that this world is temporary. This is just one journey where God will see what kind of people we really are,” Agić said.