FIPA is successfully cooperating with the Association of Diaspora for many years and they noted the importance of BH diaspora, considering their significant number, their knowledge, and skills, business contacts that they have made through their actions and work abroad, contacts with the institutions of the countries in which they operate, as well as capital and operating results. They also mentioned successful business stories of the diaspora that were realized in BiH.
On the forum will participate representatives of the Council of Ministers of BiH, FIPA, World Association of Diaspora, Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, municipalities, businessmen from BiH and abroad.
Also, representative of FIPA will present small and medium projects in the sector of tourism, agriculture, metal, and textile, which could interest the Diaspora and their business partners who will attend the forum.
The forum will also discuss, among others, the opportunities for expansion of cooperation among businessmen.