The authordescribed the play as romantic, semi-ironic, hilarious that contains morestories, divided into three direction. Oneis“I’ma normal man” the second “Now is the time, now is the time, now it’stoo late” and “Everything good in me is gone, andI feelmore positiveandmore positive“.
“I came in front ofthe audiencewitha particularidea, and the audience somehowfollowed me.During thisplaythe audienceapplaudedthirtytimes, which means that betweenus wascreatedsome form of dialogue”, saidSokolovićandremindedthat thisplay was createdeight years agoin Ljubljana.
Theartist, as he says, during the summerhas a lot of performances and asa UN goodwill ambassadorin Sarajevo, Belgrade and Novi Sad he participatedinseveralyouth projectscoveringtopics such asdrugs and violence.
Many artistsfrom the countriesof the region participate on the stagesofthe Castleof King Nikola up to the Old TownBarduring“Barski Ljetopis” from mid of July to late August, inliterature, theater, film, musicandvisual arts.
“Barski Ljetopis” is one of the oldestsummerfestivalsin the area,andwith the variety of programs enriches the tourist offerof the town.
(Source: Fena)