SECO approved the continuation of the Central Banks’ Assistance and Capacity Building Program (BCC) for the period 2018-2022, which will be implemented in partnership with the Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva. In order to prepare the Program and strategic planning of activities and results in a five-year period, the Technical Mission of the Geneva Institute for International and Development Studies, headed by BCC Program Manager was visiting the CBBH from 26 to 28 June 2018.
The purpose of the mission was to analyze and identify the CBBH needs on technical assistance. By the end of the year, there will be signed the Memorandum of cooperation with the defined priority areas and business functions of the CBBH to be included in the Program.
The first phase of the CBBH Bilateral Assistance and Capacity Building Program with SECO for the period from 2014 to 2017, has been successfully completed, within the framework of which the overall development goals have been achieved in the field of monetary policy, statistics and human resources management.