On that occasion, Crnadak submitted a report to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on activities of the Committee of ministers of the Council of Europe under the chairmanship of B&H.
He informed the parliamentarians of the Council of Europe that the Committee of ministers, under the chairmanship of B&H, reacted quickly to the refugees crisis, and based on attitudes of representatives of the countries of the Council of Europe, UNHCR and the Development bank of the Council of Europe, presented at the thematic debate held on 15th September, which, among other things, emphasized the need to face the roots of the refugees crisis.
Talking about activities of the Committee of ministers in the field of the rule of law expressed the special satisfaction because the BH chairmanship of the Committee of ministers of the Council of Europe successfully finished consultations with countries members about the date of signing the Additional protocol on the Convention of the Council of Europe on the prevention of terrorism, and that the event on that occasion will be held at the high level in Riga on 22nd October.
He invited all countries members of the Council of Europe to sign this important document that deals with the issue of so-called “foreign fighters“.
Crnadak talked about events at the high level that will be held in the next period, until the end of the chairmanship of B&H with the Committee of ministers of the Council of Europe in accordance with the known priorities, as well as activities of the deputy chairman of the Committee of ministers of the Council of Europe in various fields, activities on the adoption of the budget of the Council of Europe, as well as activities on the cooperation plan of the Council of Europe with the European Union and OSCE.
Considering the fact that it is his last time to submit a report to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe as the chairman of the Committee of ministers of the Council of Europe, minister Crnadak expressed his gratitude to the Parliamentary Assembly, Secretariat and the Secretary general of the Council of Europe for the support and the successful cooperation with BH chairmanship and the Committee of ministers of the Council of ministers, after which he responded on questions of members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
The Secretary general Jagland and the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Brasseur, on that occasion expressed the affirmative support to the BH chairmanship with the Committee of ministers of the Council of Ministers, as announced from the Office for Public Relations oft the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H.
(Source: klix.ba)