Mersiha Imsirovic from BIHAMK said that within the campaign, from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m., two cycles of a recreational bicycle race were organized through the city at the relation Eternal flame-Musala-Obala Kulina Bana-City Hall-Eternal flame, and the short program at the plateau in front of the Eternal flame where children competed in cycling at the skill polygon and drawing on the theme “Day without cars“.
The campaign was realized within the “European day without cars“, under the sponsorship of the City of Sarajevo.
Realization of the campaign was supported by the Ministry of Transport of Canton Sarajevo, Sarajevo-osiguranje and the Cycling club Trek Team.
“European day without cars“ is being marked on 22nd September, and was envisaged on the way that on that day, part of the city should be closed for car with the aim of pointing out to the citizens the importance of the preservation of the life environment and to stimulate them on walking, cycling or using the public transport in order to contribute to a better and more healthy way of life and to point out on a large number of transport vehicles whose exhaust gases are contributing to the air pollution.