This publication, which is annually prepared by the Public Health Institute, represents an expert analysis of selected indicators of population health, with recommendations for priority intervention in the health and other sectors important for the health of the citizens.
The leading causes of death in the FBiH are diseases of the circulatory system (53.8 %) and malignant neoplasms (21 %), and endocrine and metabolic diseases with eating disorders (5.5 %). Diseases from these groups cause more than three quarters of the total number of deaths annually.
Among the leading infectious diseases are mostly respiratory infections (influenza / influenza-like diseases, measles, streptococcal angina, TBC of the respiratory system, scarlatina, and infectious mononucleosis).
When it comes to risk to public health, tobacco is consumed by 44.1 % of adults, 28.8 % consume alcohol, more than a fifth (21.2 %) adults are obese and physically active is only 24.6 % of the population.
Improper removal of hazardous waste, especially industrial and medical waste, is one of the most serious threats to the health of the population. At the municipal landfills is disposed around 55 % of potentially infectious waste, 23 % of chemical waste and 20 % of pharmaceutical waste from health institutions. Uncontrolled waste and creation of “illegal dumps” is characteristic of solid waste, while liquid waste materials are released into local watercourses in most cases.