HDZ BiH President Dragan Čović stated that he does not wish for the intervention of a High Representative when it comes to the formation of government at the FBiH level.
“There were enough imposed solutions and decisions. We have enough space to establish executive and legislative power at the level of the Federation of BiH based on the election results,” said Čović after the session of the party presidency.
He believes that the process of establishing the executive power in the Federation will be initiated at tomorrow’s session of the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“I am convinced that with tomorrow’s session, we will have a new convocation of the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that we will once again have Tomislav Martinović as the speaker of the House of Peoples, and we will see how Serbs and Bosniaks will fill the House of Peoples. I expect the appointment of collegiums and some committees, as well as the opening of the procedure for the election of the president of the Federation of BiH and his deputies, that is, the election of delegates to the House of Peoples of BiH,” said Čović.
In addition to the establishment of government at higher levels of government, the HDZ BiH Presidency considered today the process of implementing the election results at the cantonal level.
Čović announced that the HDZ BiH will participate in the formation of the government in six cantons and that of those six, the appointment of a new government will be completed by the end of this month in Posavina and West Herzegovina cantons, Fena reports.