From the first to the third quarter of the year of 2017, federal inspectors conducted additional controls besides regular inspections, and they made 1,539 decisions on imposing administrative measures related to the elimination of deficiencies. Out of this, a total of 171 administrative measures are related to the prohibition of work of supervised subjects, which also includes 55 measures of sealing objects.
The above-mentioned control of compliance with the provisions of the Law on Fiscal Systems in FBiH will be continued until the end of the year, and citizens of the FBiH are urged to take the fiscal bill for provided services and the purchased product.
During the control of traffic during the summer season, 35 inspections were carried out on the part of the Adriatic Sea that belongs to BiH.
From the first to the third quarter of 2017, a total of 8,054 internal control inspections were conducted, and 4,087 misdemeanor orders in the amount of 5,269,174 BAM were issued based on the status of controlled subjects. At the border crossings and customs offices, a total of 94,382 inspections were conducted on imported goods, which resulted in the payment of a total of 4,940,677.80 BAM of taxes and fees. A total of 988,254.57 BAM was paid in the name of fee for water, road, air as well as packaging and electrical waste.
“The stated amounts of funds are paid on dedicated funds from which is financed the work of competent federal agencies, and they improve the overall opportunities in the relevant areas of environmental protection, improvement of air and water purity, preservation of forests and maintenance of road infrastructure in the area of FBiH,” said Director of Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs, Anis Ajdinovic.