Izetbegović was welcomed with highest national honors by the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani, after which they had a meeting in the presidential palace.
“It is my pleasure to be in an official visit to Iran. We are testifying to the intensification of cooperation between Iran and BiH and to the turning of a new, positive page in the relations between the two countries. The relationship between Iran and BiH dates back to the pre-Islamic era. Those close ties were especially intensive during the war in BiH, when Iran did everything they could to stop the war. Sanctions that were imposed on Iran halted those relations to a certain extent and we in BIH eagerly anticipated the abolition of sanctions, which will enable us to intensify our relations,” said Izetbegović.
Izetbegović emphasized the positive aspects of economic cooperation with BiH and the opportunities offered to tourists who visit BiH. At the same time, the two countries have committed to cooperation in the fight against violent extremism.
“Radicalism that calls on Islam and the sectarian conflicts are two things that compromise our religion and present it in a wrong light. Bosniaks and Iranians will work on presenting our religion in the right way. Islam is peace, Islam is reconciliation, Islam is light. Brutal and merciless acts cannot be performed in the name of Islam. Islam is not darkness and we will do everything to present it in the proper light and stop those who do the opposite,” said Izetbegović.
Visits by the Iranian delegation to BiH were also announced by the end of the year, including the visit by the President Rouhani.
The delegation of BiH, led by Izetbegović, also includes the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH Mirko Šarović and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of BiH Igor Crnadak.
(Source: faktor.ba)