After the welcoming ceremony, Radmanović and Izetbegović had a meeting with the President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić. At the end of the meeting, there was a meeting between the BiH and Serbian delegation, and afterwards Nikolić, Radmanović and Izetbegović provided statements to the media.
“Serbia, as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement, wants the best possible development and prosperity for BiH”, announced the Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić.
Nikolić said that there are no more open issues between the two countries and that Belgrade would support BiH on its path towards the EU.
“We would like most of all for the entities to resolve their disagreements and build their own future together”, said Nikolić.
The President of Serbia said that the war in BiH ended 18 years ago, and that the wounds should heal and for the scars to not be seen. In this sense, he stressed that Serbia is ready to contribute in the process of forgetting and forgiving of wrongdoing.
Radmanović said that he believes the priorities of leaders in the country are on building a stable and prosperous region.
Izetbegović recalled that member of the BiH Presidency Željko Komšić did not go to Belgrade due to an earlier statement by Tomislav Nikolić.
He took the opportunity to say that in Srebrenica 8.372 Bosniaks were killed, and that Sarajevo was always an open city, and that BiH is a unitary state and that there are not two Serbian countries in the Balkans.
During the visit to Serbia, Radmanović and Izetbegović met with the President of the Serbian Government Ivica Dačić and the President of the Serbian National Assembly Nebojša Stefanović.
During the meeting, Prime Minister Dačić said that the relations between the two countries have to improve, especially in the area of economic cooperation. He proposed to organize soon a meeting between the BiH Council of Ministers and the Serbian government in order to operationalize cooperation.
During the meeting with the President of the Serbian National Assembly, Stefanović, they spoke of the cooperation of the Parliaments of the two countries, and the possibilities to improve relations.
During the official visit to Serbia, Radmanović laid a wreath at the Monument to the Fallen Soldier at Avala, then wrote in the memorial book, announced the BIH Presidency.
There will also be a dinner in honor of the BiH delegation and hosted by the President Tomislav Nikolić.