From Bosanska Krupa in northwestern BiH, four Bosniaks: Ejdo Rekic (38 years old), Husein Sivic (40 years old), Cerim Balkic (20 years old) and a year younger Redzo Delalic died in sinking of one of the biggest and most famous ships of all times, the famous Titanic, on the night of the 14th and 15th of April, a hundred and five years ago.
On this occasion, a memorial was revealed in their hometown, which marked the beginning of the construction of a memorial museum and recalled on the biggest accident on the sea.
Destination of these people was Harrisburg, a small town in Pennsylvania in the United States, where, according to the data, then was the immigrant community with more than 500 Bosniaks from Krajina.
These four citizens from Krupa boarded on the Titanic on Wednesday, the 10th of April 1912. They bought their tickets for the third class in Switzerland in St. Gallen in the Agency Viktor Klaus Wildi and they paid them around 1,200 CHF.
Grandson of Ejdo Rekic, Nijaz Tatarevic, is researching and collecting archive material about the sinking of the Titanic for years.
“We did not know that they died on the Titanic, but we thought that they probably died on some ship,” said Tatarevic and added that they found out that their names are on the list of those who died on the Titanic 8 years ago.
“From the Archives of BiH confirmed this information. We also received the book “One hundred years of Bosniaks in America”, in which one part is dedicated to the sinking of this ship,” said Nijaz Tatarevic.