The first was done by Edin Sahinovic from Kakanj, a student of the fourth year of the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, and the second was done by Amer Sikira, also from Kakanj.
Topics that these young artists from Kakanj were dealing with are medieval treasures and artefacts of the medieval Bosnia that are located in the area of Kakanj.
Kakanj is a town that is proud of its cultural and historical monuments and the fact that historians located cradle of the medieval Bosnia here.
Numerous monuments and artefacts from the period of medieval Bosnia were discovered in Kakanj, and the most famous ones are Zgoscanski stecak tombstone, Zgoscanski obelisk and a golden ring with fleur-de-lis.
There is a lapidarium with stecak tombstones in the courtyard of the Museum of Kakanj where several stecak tombstones are located. They were found deep in the ground in the area of Ticic during the construction works on the highway back in 2010, as announced by the Municipality of Kakanj.