“For the fifth consecutive day, no new cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in the Tuzla Canton,” is stated by the Head of Crisis Ministry Dajana Colic.
In the last 24 hours, 146 people were tested and all findings were negative, Vijesti.ba news portal reports.
Since March 27, 84 positives have been registered on COVID-19, of which 58 are active.
Five people were hospitalized, one at Bayer Medical Institute and one in Brcko District, while 51 were in self-isolation.
According to the Crisis Staff, the Bayer Medical Institute cluster has another 25 patients, while the Lukavac, Banovići and Gračanica clusters are completely closed.
Colic said there was no reason to be stigmatized about the coronavirus pandemic because no one chooses to be ill.
“There is no reason for stigmatization. We in Tuzla Canton had two deaths, but both are related to the underlying diseases that caused them to undergo surgery. I ask the citizens for awareness and conscientiousness. This is a disease like any other, the only thing that is now in the focus of the public because it is unknown to us,” said Cantonal Minister Colic, adding that the situation in Tuzla Canton is improving day by day.