There will be specifically adequate images in the focus of the Regional School of the Film Documentary ACTive, which began on 20th July in Prizren. It is designed as an eight-day varied, creative and informal educational program. ACTive is an opportunity for 16 young people from the region to gain theoretical knowledge in the field of creative film documentary, and the ability to find and show their creative audiovisual expression through intensive practical work.
This eight-day creative group work that participants go through will result in four short documentary stories.
Selected participants are young students from Macedonia, Serbia, BiH and Kosovo from 17 to 25 years old, who have not had the opportunity to step out into the world of creative film documentary. The entire film process, from creative writing and script development, to post-production will be revealed to them by five tutors who come from Serbia, BiH, Venezuela, Spain and the USA.
Regional School of Film Documentary ACTive occurs in partnership with four organizations: Studiorum (Macedonia), Pravo Ljudski (BiH), Dokufest (Kosovo) and MakeDox (Macedonia) with the financial support of the Balkan Trust for Democracy ( BTD).