The playground was opened by Ines Kavalec, the director of the Association “Give us a Chance”, the Mayor of Novi Grad Sarajevo, Semir Efendic and the mayor of Sarajevo, Abdulah Skaka.
“The specificity of this playground is that one part of the content is tailored to children with developmental difficulties as well as children who live in the immediate vicinity, and it is planned to be fenced in the following period,” said Efendic.
The Association” Give Us Chance” sent the initiative to the Novi Grad Municipality a year ago, emphasizing the need to build a park and opening is proof that this local community really works with a lot of understanding and love. In this park children will not only play, they will learn as well. This park will provide families with a child with developmental difficulties to spend time together and to enjoy their children’s play, “said Kavalec.
Ines Kavalec emphasized that this is the first inclusive park (playground) in Novi Grad and Sarajevo.
(Source: klix/ photo radiosarajevo)