Kalaba said that there is a will within institutions of the EU to solve the problem with the milk export as soon as possible.
At yesterday’s meeting, it was not said to the BH delegation which country submitted an appeal and on what specifically it appealed. Kalaba said that they didn’t insist because it is obvious that there is a will of the EU to solve the problem.
If the Permanent Committee for the food chain and health of animals of the European commission adopts a decision on returning B&H to the positive list, BH milk producers will be able to export milk to the EU the same day.
As a reminder, four BH dairies should start to export milk to the EU on 26th August and were regularly included to the positive list of milk producers who are allowed to export to the EU. However, on 26th August they were informed that one country member of the EU submitted an appeal to putting BH milk producers on the positive list. Croatian officials confirmed that exactly Croatia submitted an appeal, but institutions of the EU have not confirmed to the BH Government which country submitted an appeal and on what exactly it appealed.
(Source: klix.ba)