The aim of the play is for children with disabilities, together with their classmates, to be included in its production and performance in order to show that their inclusion in the cultural life is not only a possibility, but also above all, a necessity.
The play is part of a project called ‘Improving prospects for children with severe developmental disorders’ that is being implemented as part of the UNDP project ‘Strengthening local democracies III-LOD III, 2 part’, which is financed by the EU from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) in the amount of 2 million Euros.
EDUS’s educational program for children with developmental disabilities has been going on for three years, and is led by scientist from Columbia University Nirvana Pištoljević.
At the premiere of the show in 2014, at least five children from EDUS’s program will participate in the performance, together with children from elementary schools, and after the end of the play their friends from the audience will join the stage with the costumes and sets.
For the realization of this EDUS project, which lasts from December 2013 to June 2014, 70.000 BAM has been allocated, announced program EDUS.
(Source: Fena)