‘’Most interest this year has been shown for Jahorina, Višegrad, or Andrićgrad, Trebinje and Banja Luka. During the first 10 months there were 215.848 visits, and 571.051 overnight stays’’, said Hrstić in an interview for Fena.
There was an increase of six percent of arrivals in relation to the same period last year, and the number of overnight stays increased by four percent.
‘’The backbone of tourism development in the coming year will be the formation of concrete tourism products for specific target groups, in order to increase the number of tourists in all municipalities, and therefore turnover in tourism and hospitality industry’’, said Hrstić.
According to her, the guidelines for further development of tourism is based on reducing gray economy in tourism and hospitality, strengthen marketing and promote tourist offers in the country and abroad.
The largest number of tourists comes from the region, and every year they mark an increase in the number of tourists from these countries.
‘’Given that foreign tourists are big fans of active rest and the natural environment, the RS has great potential in these areas-their interest for visiting is huge’’, she said.
RS presented its offers at tourism fairs in Vienna, Prague, Tel Aviv, Utrecht, Istanbul and other cities, which had a huge impact.
(Source: klix.ba)