The Directorate confirmed that the Russian delegation will go to the field immediately after arrival and that time and location of meetings with officials are still not known.
The Russian phytosanitary inspection will visit BiH in accordance with the agreement with the Director of the Federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary control of the Russian Federation “Roseljhoznadzor” Sergej Aleksejevič Dankvert.
In early August the Russian veterinary and phytosanitary regulatory service “Roseljhoznadzor” prohibited the export of products from BiH due to lack of certificate on the safety of products.
“Temporary ban will be introduced due to the lack of information on the phytosanitary status of BiH and because the Ministry of Foreign Trade of BiH refused to approve the inspection of ‘Roseljhoznadzor’ which was supposed to implement a phytosanitary control of the system,” this regulatory service stated.