Today, this network is consisted of 6.675 cities from 160 countries and regions that express the support to the abolition of nuclear weapons, among which are cities/municipalities Banja Luka, Pale-Praca, Sarajevo, Srebrenica, Srebrenik, Tesanj, Velika Kladusa, Vitez and Zenica.
The City of Sarajevo, as a leading city of a regional office of the Secretariat in Hiroshima, will seek to establish an appropriate system for strengthening the network among cities members, to expand the membership, and to additionally improve activities of “Mayors for peace“ in B&H with the aim to abolish the nuclear weapons.
The City of Sarajevo is a member of “Mayors for peace“ since 2006. This association, since 1990, at the initiative of the former Mayor of Hiroshima, was registered as a non-governmental organization with the program which, with the support of UN, promote a permanent peace in the world and solidarity of cities in a complete ban of the nuclear weapons until 2020, as announced from the City administration of Sarajevo.