Over the past couple of weeks, the Supervisor met with the District leadership and heads of caucuses and representatives of minorities in the Assembly. In the meetings, the officials expressed their intention to pursue immediately a reform-oriented mandate.
Welcoming the commitments, the Supervisor underscored the importance of transparency in passing legislation through regular procedure, and the value of the competition of ideas through civil political discourse in the Assembly and its committees. “Only together can the Brčko community bring about the fundamental changes needed to build a stable and prosperous future for all,” added the Supervisor.
If the commitment is genuine then citizens will see the following outputs by the end of March, and given the District’s automatic budget coefficient, there is no reason to expect anything less.
Adoption of a Law on Conflict of Interest compliant with EU standards.
Adoption of the 2021 budget in line with the transparency imperatives of the Law on Budget.
The application of the 2021-2027 Development Strategy to the 2021 budget to ensure responsible expenditures for the good of the community.
A moratorium on public sector hiring including temporary service contracts, until a new transparent hiring procedure is put in place. In addition, legislation needs to be adjusted to allow for vacancies to be filled only through internal reorganization procedures wherever possible and reasonable.
The only exception to the above would be to ensure that public health positions and new positions created under anti-corruption measures like the Law on Conflict of Interest are filled by experts experienced in protecting the public’s interest.
Issuance of the remaining two public tenders for the modernisation of Brčko Port – for the new crane and rail and road access to the port.
A decision on the optimal solution, based on expert opinions, for restoring road freight traffic over the Sava river between Brčko and the EU market.
Actions by the authorities to affirm that business investors who will create good-paying private sector jobs are welcomed in the District.
The Brčko police operating from the new police building ensuring the rule of law and with the Prosecutor’s Office enforcing a policy of zero tolerance for corruption.
Funding the energy-efficiency retrofitting of the District’s public buildings under the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP).
The transfer of ownership to “Elektroprijenos BiH” of the District’s electricity transmission infrastructure in line with relevant legislation of BiH to allow for their active maintenance.
Achieving these outputs by the end March will demonstrate the commitment of the District’s elected leaders to build a future for all those who live here. Let’s watch, the facts will speak for themselves.