You think you know Everything about BiH? Let’s check your knowledge!
"Kviz BiH (Quiz BiH)" is the first online quiz about BiH, which…
BH Innovative Projects to enter the World Market
Muamer Babajic started the project of the German Center for Robotics DKR…
Founder of Global School for Entrepreneurs Keith Ippel comes to BiH
Keith Ippel, the founder of the Canadian Spring University for Entrepreneurs, is staying…
Young IT Entrepreneur won the First Place and a Prize of 5,000 BAM at Innovation Fair
A young programmer and entrepreneur from Travnik, Jasmin Fajkic, won the first…
Hundreds of potential Businessmen at the first Sarajevo Unlimited
The Sarajevo Unlimited Forum, which hosted some of the greatest names of…
Sarajevo Unlimited: We celebrate innovative BH Companies that design Solutions for Apple, Microsoft, AT&T…
The 1st regional Forum of business innovation "Sarajevo Unlimited 2016" will be…
“Days of Women Entrepreneurship“ to gather the Region
On the occasion of international manifestation “Days of Women Entrepreneurship“, that will…