„We wanted to launch some business in order to ensure our existence and soe income. Still, we wanted it to be something that is not common in our country. We did some extensive research and realized that production of chocolate and chocolate products can satisfy our needs and the needs of our society,“ said Dedić.
Despite the desire to implement their idea, they were hamshackled by the lack of financial means. Creators of the idea decided to apply for the Government’s self-employment project with a developed business plan.
Among 200 submitted ideas, 70 small businesses were selected and assessed as the best ones for the community. Te Amo was one of the projects that received financial support.
Today, Te Amo offers chocolate products of different shapes and flavors. They are recognizable for their unique handmade figures of different shapes and for their pralines with different fillings. They currently have around 20 different flavors and keep complementing their offer every day.
„We work exclusively with Belgian chocolate, which is great and tasty. We purchase it from local importers,“ Dedić emphasized.
Two permanently employed persons make all their products in their small business space located in the settlement Kolobara, in Brčko.
„We work hard every day, trying to justify the trust given to us by the Government and our permanent buyers, as well as those who are yet to become our buyers. Our aim is to hire two more people for production in the future, thus expanding our capacities and enabling new employment,“ Dedić said.
Products of the company Te Amo can be purchased in the retail center Bingo in Brčko.
(Source: akta.ba)