Chief State Prosecutor Milanko Kajganic, commenting on the latest police action in the prison in Vojkovici, revealed that they learned about the planned murder of prosecutor Dubravko Campara from a prisoner and that the reason was the Sky application.
“It was commented on custody, it is not related to any person or case. We know that the suspects from the so-called Sky case made comments and that is now being checked,” told Kajganic.
Earlier, the director of the Police of Republika Srpska (RS), Sinisa Kostresevic, confirmed that an unidentified group of detainees, connected to the Sky application, is working to organize the murder of Dubravko Campara and a police chief from Banja Luka.
Kajganic says that they continue to check these allegations, and some of the prosecutors have received additional security.
As part of these checks, six locations in Sokolac and Han Pijesak were searched. Kajganic states that on that occasion a sniper rifle and an automatic rifle were found in Sokolac, but he says that at the moment it is not possible to say what they were intended for, i.e. whether they were left over from the past war or whether it was something else.
In addition, members of the Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on Friday, by order of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, searched several cells in the state prison in Vojkovici. RS Police Director Kostresevic issued an order to all police administrations to raise security measures due to the knowledge that two murders were planned, reports.