“The most important knowledge is that this metabolic drug in combination with regular therapies largely improves the quality of life of these patients. My aim was not just to extend life of the patient, but to improve it,” stated Suljic.
“Patients were much happier, they had larger willingness to live, they could move more and they linked that to their social life, i.e. friends, colleagues at work and their family. They could make more physical effort, take longer walks, play longer with grandchildren, etc. When you can do things like this, then you have motivation and will to live, which is confirmed by the statistics,” said Suljic.
This young woman from Tuzla revealed that she would like to continue dealing with larger scientific researches in the future. She believes that our country is a great place for revolutionary discoveries in the field of pharmacy.
She believes that there is large capacity for the pharmaceutical industry in BiH, but that they should be used in a right way.
“I think that we should reduce the import of medicines and base more on our production. Since we already have our own medicine factories, we need to use all of their capacities and resources and produce our own medicines. It would not be the first medicine that we produced, so there is no place for fear. We have done a lot, and now we just need to expand our portfolio of products and everything will be much better, ” said Suljic.
Although she had the opportunity to obtain her doctoral degree outside of BiH, Suljic decided to stay in her homeland.
In the future, she could go for further training outside of our country but she is planning to return and put all the acquired knowledge and skills at disposal to young people in BiH.
Una said that she is a workaholic, and she sees herself in the future surrounded by young and successful people who will push BiH forward.
(Source: A. K./Klix.ba)