The United Kingdom (UK) newspaper Daily Express recommends tourists visit Trebinje, describing it as a European gem that offers a medieval atmosphere and old-school charm.
“A magical experience awaits you in this lesser-known city gem,” writes Jessica Knibbs in her article.
For interested tourists, she highlights that this city has everything needed for an escape from everyday life, surrounded by hills that provide a perfect sunny backdrop and an old-world charm felt everywhere.
“Despite its obvious beauty and the many more popular destinations just a few hours away, this city remains largely unknown to many tourists,” states the article titled “Trebinje is a beautiful but underrated City.”
The author notes that Trebinje offers urban life alongside prominent natural river landscapes, stunning mountains, and plains, making it an authentic destination.
“Trebinje has significantly fewer tourists compared to its neighbors, Dubrovnik in Croatia and Kotor in Montenegro, yet it is equally beautiful,” the article adds.
Knibbs provides a picturesque description of Trebinje, noting that the city center features a walled Old Town with a charming market full of greenery.
“Orthodox churches can be seen on the hillsides, giving the impression of an old-world setting. The Trebisnjica River flows through this gem, its banks lined with bathing areas and replicas of water wheels once used for irrigation,” she writes.
According to the article, there is plenty to see and do in Trebinje.
“Situated high on a hill, Hercegovacka Gracanica is a must-visit and is undoubtedly the most idyllic monastery in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The Arslanagic Bridge, also known as Perovic Bridge, built in 1574, along with Freedom Square and the Tvrdos Monastery, are landmarks worth exploring,” the description continues.
Knibbs concludes that Trebinje is stunning year-round but becomes particularly beautiful in May, when flowers bloom, and the average high temperature is around 18 degrees Celsius.