Two serious murders in five days in Banja Luka and Pale. BHRT investigated the security situation after these murders.
“I am not worried, it happens everywhere in the world., nervousness, fast life.”
The Banja Luka Police Department assesses the security situation as satisfactory. They are not releasing details of the investigation into the murder of Dejan Kostić Dele, except that they are taking all necessary measures and actions under the supervision of the acting prosecutor.
“During 2024, 1,645 criminal offenses were recorded, which is 10.6% less than in 2023, and the percentage of total criminal offenses solved is 91.2%,” the Banja Luka Police Department stated.
The dean of the Faculty of Security also believes that the security situation is not unfavorable in the Republika Srpska, but that cooperation between competent institutions, including citizens, must be at a higher level.
SLOBODAN ŽUPLJANIN, dean of the Faculty of Security Banja Luka:
“What we saw in Western films has now come to our backyard. Of course, security structures must keep a close watch on the security situation. In the case of Ada, just one phone call from one of those who witnessed the fight and those who heard the sentence “I’m going to get a gun, I’ll kill you all” was enough to inform the police. The murder could have been prevented.”
Police and security agencies must take a series of measures and actions to act preventively. They do not have the ability to deal with all segments of security, including the mental health of individuals, believes security expert Duško Vejnović. That is why, he says, it is necessary to introduce the subject of defendology – the science of protection, defense and security – in schools and universities.
DUŠKO VEJNOVIĆ, security expert:
“For these specific cases related to murders that are known through records to police organizations and security agencies, increased surveillance over them and checking whether or not they have weapons. It turns out that they do, including an automatic rifle.”
BHRT did not receive any new information regarding Kostić’s murder from the Banja Luka District Public Prosecutor’s Office either. They briefly replied that they could not release details at this stage of the investigation.