Representatives of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Public Company “Elektroprivreda BiH” agreed at yesterday’s meeting in Sarajevo on the way to unblock the bank accounts of the Subsidiary Brown Mine Mine Zenica and ZD RMU Breza, which was blocked by the FBiH Tax Administration due to unpaid salary contributions, the president of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of FBiH Sinan Husić stated for Avaz.
”As the director of Public Enterprise “Elektroprivreda BiH” Admir Andelija informed me, the model for unblocking the accounts has been harmonized and that the Breza and Zenica mines can pay the December salary in gross amount,” said Husic.
He states that it has been agreed that the directors of both mines send a request to PUFBiH to unblock the accounts in accordance with the agreed agreement between the FBiH Government and JP and to pay salaries in both mines at the beginning of next week.
“After the payment of the December salary, conditions will be created so that the union branches of these two mines, with the consent of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Miners of FBiH, can cancel the scheduled strike for January 22. I remind you that both organizations announced a strike on January 11,” Husic notes.
Directors Muamer Omerhodzic from ZD RMU Breza and Dragan Peranovic from ZD RMU Zenica confirmed in a statement for Fena earlier that they have secured money for the payment of salaries, but that they are waiting for the account to be unblocked.