Adi Sose has seen nothing but success this past year. The most promising young Bosnian and Herzegovinian (BiH) performer, who performs with the AL Music Band, has solidified his popularity throughout the region in recent months.
After four sold-out concerts at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb, a fifth is soon to be scheduled. Similarly, he filled the mts Hall in Belgrade to capacity twice. His first Belgrade concert was recorded and published on YouTube.
Adi began his music career by performing covers of popular songs, but in recent years, his original tracks such as “Nije lako biti ja” (It’s not easy being me), “Od jeseni do proljeca” (From autumn to spring), “Zrno nade” (A grain of hope), and his latest releases “Visok rizik” (High risk) and “Tajno moja” (My secret) have increasingly captured the audience’s attention. It’s no surprise, then, that Adi has been honored with the opportunity to perform in front of the Eternal Flame on New Year’s Eve, just before Severina.
The New Year festivities in Sarajevo will begin with a phenomenal lineup on December 30th, featuring world-renowned DJ Topic, BiH duo After Affair, and Sara Jo. And that’s not the end of top-tier music events in BiH’s capital. On January 2nd, Nina Badric will perform at the square opposite the City Hall, followed by Bajaga i Instruktori on January 3rd, and Prljavo Kazaliste on January 4th.
“Sarajevo will once again be the center of the region. It means a lot to me to perform alongside such names. It’s good to remind people now and then that Sarajevo knows how to host a spectacle that even global metropolises wouldn’t be ashamed of. Friends from all over the world are coming to Sarajevo for my concert. People who follow me know I give my all at every concert, and it’ll be no different on this wildest night. I’m also preparing a special outfit, and since I can’t wear colorful shirts, I’ll wear a bold sequined jacket,” Adi begins.
He’s thrilled to warm up tens of thousands of visitors before Severina’s performance and revealed whether they might sing together.
“For now, we don’t have any plans to duet with Severina, but you never know. As for her songs, I’m familiar with most of her career, and there’s plenty of amazing material there. My personal favorite is her hit ‘Tridesete’ (The Thirties),” Adi continues.
Looking back, Adi says 2024 will be remembered as a year of major milestones in his career.
“The past year brought me a wealth of new songs, concerts, and magical evenings I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. My audience grows with me, and I genuinely feel like we’re on a journey together. God willing, it will last because this is the most exciting journey I’ve ever been on,” Sose shares.
He hopes to continue his successes in both his personal and professional life in 2025, with good health to accompany him.
“I just hope I’m healthy and that I learn to dance a little better than last year. When it comes to music and my career, there’s no rush. I’m taking it step by step. It’s clear our story is heading towards larger venues, but why rush to the last pages of the book when the process itself is what’s truly fun? As for Sarajevo, we’ll rest after the New Year’s concert and give people a chance to miss Adi’s romance. Then we might plan a concert at Skenderija, but honestly, there’s no rush – I just hope I remain healthy. Of course, there will be new songs next year. We have a few duet options to consider, but we’ll see which direction to take. I’d rather focus on solo tracks because, frankly, I’m still short on them. However, if an interesting and meaningful idea comes up, we’ll work on it,” Adi concludes for
Photo: Instagram/Adi Sose