The BiH Mission to the EU in Brussels and its employees together gathered 65 calendars of Mia Jeličić for 2013.
At the bottom of the calendar are printed messages in the languages of BiH and in English: “BiH Mission to the EU in Brussels has a heart”!
The BiH Mission to the EU in Brussels plans to deliver these calendars to the European Commission, the Department of transplanting organs of the Federal Public Health in the Kingdom of Belgium, President of the Committee for Public Health of the European Parliament, representatives of the European Parliament’s Delegation in cooperation with Western Balkan states, representatives of the missions of the countries from the region, and the like.
Mia Jeličić is a young artist from BiH who, after a kidney transplant, awaits a transplant of the pancreas.
She sells her calendars for the price of 10 KM, since she does not want direct donations for an expensive surgery.