Thirteen-year-old Mehmed Sabic, known as “Meho Beton”, who was seriously injured, should start physical therapies and will soon return home after he has recovered from severe burns.
“The little hero goes back home for three months after which he will start with physical therapies. Yesterday, the doctor took off cannula from his body, 20 months after it was put, and the right elbow is cured as well. The brave boy continues his struggle!” was written on the Facebook page near the boy’s picture.
To recall, doctors gave him a one percent chance of survival because he was exposed to external and internal burns, which accounted for 65 percent of his body.
He had five skin transplants and more than a dozen anesthesia, in total 15 surgeries.
All interested ones can help him by paying on one of the following accounts:
Account information for BAM:
Account number: 1543039952944488
Name: Nedim Sabic
Address: Ciris 16, 75,320 Gracanica, BiH
Account information for foreign currencies:
Beneficiary: Nedim Sabic
Address: Criis 16, 75,320 Gracanica, BiH
Account Number (IBAN): BA39 1543039952944488
Beneficiary Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. Bosna i Hercegovina,
Obala Kulina Bana 9a, 71,000 Sarajevo
Correspondents’ Bank (COMMERZZBANK AG FRANKFURT/M, SWIFT COBADEFF ACC 400 8768 558 00)
For PayPal: [email protected]