On 6 and 7 February on the Bjelašnica Mountaing Europe Snowboard Cup will be held. The opening ceremony will start at 10 a.m. Organisers of the competition are BiH Ski Federation and KJKP ZOI’84 and Snowboard Club ”Free Style”.
Europe Snowboard Cup is the highest ranking competition in winter sports held in BiH so far.
The Cup will be held in two categories, BIG AIR ( on big ski jump) and SLOPE STYLE ( obstacle race).
Snowboard racing schedule:
5th February-12.00-14.00h-Big Air Training
6th February-10.00-11-00H-Big Air Training
11.30h-Big Air qualification
13.30h-Big Air finals
15.00-15.50h-Slope Style Training
7th February-10.00-11-30h-Slope Style Training
11.30-12.30-Slope Style Qualification
12.30-Slope Style finals