The film “Scream for me Sarajevo”, which is directed by Tarik Hodzic, won two awards in the category of documentary program. This film won the Human Rights Award and Al Jazeera Award.
“Scream for me Sarajevo” opened the competition part of the Sarajevo Film Festival, in the category of the documentary films.
To Tarik Hodzic from Visoko, director of the film, this was the world premiere of the film. So far there are comments that this is one of the most valuable films about the siege of Sarajevo, which follows events of the arrival of frontman of cult metal band Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson, and his band in besieged Sarajevo back in 1994, when the concert was held in the Bosnian Cultural Center (BKC).
The idea about the film came from the author Jasenko Pasic.
(Source: A. B./