Regarding the issue of asylum, the Government of Germany wants to declare Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia as the “safe origin countries”. This envisages the bill of the internal business Thomasa de Maizier, who had an insight into Tageszeitung.
“In Serbia, B&H and Macedonia there is no deportation, torture or arbitrary violence”, was announced in the bill.
Nevertheless, the number of applications for the asylum from these tree states was significantly raised since 2009, when the visas for the citizens of the previously mentioned countries were abolished. So, in 2009, around 700 applications for asylum were submitted, and in 2013 that number was around 20 000 applications. Thereby, the number of applications for the asylum from Serbia, B&H and Macedonia makes one fifth of all applications for asylum in Germany. Therefore, the accelerated processing of those applications is necessary.
When one state is lawfully labeled as the “Country of Safe Origin”, then the there is an assumption that the applications for asylum are unfounded. However, refugees have the opportunity to refute this assumption in the single cases. Government of Germany emphasizes that “in the future there will always be the check of every single case”, writes Tageszeitung.
(Source: Fena)