After 11 months, the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton got a new government, which is consisted of the SDA and HDZ B&H.
The government was confirmed by the votes of deputies of the SDA, HDZ B&H and the Alliance for a Better Future (SBB), against were the deputies of the SDP and the Democratic Front, while representatives of the HDZ 1990 remained abstained.
The new Prime Minister for the next three years will be Nevenko Herceg. Minister of Transport and Communications will be Stjepan Krasic, the Minister of Interior Slađan Bevanda, Minister of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry will be Donko Jovic, Minister for Issues of the Veterans Oliver Soldo, and the new Minister of Health, Labour and Social Welfare will be Goran Opsenica.
SDA confided a new mandate to one man – Suad Hasandedić as the Minister of Construction, Reconstruction and Spatial Planning. Besides him, SDA’s ministers are also: Adnan Faladžić as the Minister of Finance, Teletović Ajdin as the Minister of Environment and Tourism, Hadžović Rašid as the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Suad Balic as the Minister of Justice, Administration and Local Self – Governance and Zeljko Laketić, on behalf of Serbian cadre of SDA, who will be the head of the Ministry of Economy.
The government was confirmed at the extraordinary session of the Assembly in Mostar on Wednesday, with a total of 21 votes for, 4 votes against and 2 abstentions.