Snow is a Forecast for Parts of BiH in the next Days
Moderate to mostly cloudy and unstable weather with local showers is expected…
Snow is a Forecast from Tomorrow in BiH
Moderate to mostly cloudy and unstable weather with local showers is expected…
Snow in BiH is a Forecast for Today
Rain, showers and thunderstorms are expected in BiH today, and in the…
After Rain, Temperatures up to Forty Degrees Celsius in BiH
Sunny weather with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius is expected in Bosnia…
Orange Alert for High Temperatures in BiH
Today, Meteoalarm issued an orange warning for the area of Trebinje and…
Meteorologists warn on Temperatures up to 36 Degrees Celsius in BiH during Weekend
According to the forecast of the Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina,…
Yellow Meteo Alert issued for Low Temperatures and Wind
A yellow meteoalarm was issued due to increased wind for the areas of…
Rain and Snow is a Weather Forecast for Bosnia
A yellow meteo alert was set off for the regions of Mostar and Trebinje.…
Rain and Snow with much lower Temperatures in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The meteorologists of the Federal Hydrometeorological Institute have published the weather forecast…
Snow is a Forecast for Monday in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The meteorologists of the Federal Hydrometeorological Institute have published the…