The Average Monthly Net Salary in BiH is 1260 BAM
The average monthly net salary paid per employee in Bosnia and Herzegovina…
What is the Average Net Salary per Employee in BiH?
The average monthly net salary paid per employee for February 2023 in…
Where is BiH in terms of Average Salary in the Region?
In the technical mandate, the Government of Montenegro published the information that…
The Salary of Politicians in BiH is up to Four Thousand Euros
Unlike miners who are not given their hard-earned small wages, politicians, especially…
Salary increase for Soldiers and Civil Servants, but not for Politicians
The House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina…
Finance Minister warns that there will be no Money for Salaries for Employees in BiH Institutions
The Minister of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina ((BiH), Zoran…
House of Representatives adopted Salary Increase
The House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina…
BiHPA HoP to discuss Budget Proposal of BiH Institutions Today
The House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina…
Hourly Wage in Eurozone is Six Times higher than in BiH
While in the Eurozone last year there was an increase in hourly…
Proposed Law prevents the Growth of the Salaries of the highest Officials
At yesterday’s eighth extraordinary session of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina,…