How much Food can you take across the Border?
Tourist season is ongoing, so we checked what the citizens who are…
This Year’s first Charter Flight for Antalya
The first group of passengers for Antalya this year took off from…
How Holidays used to look like back in ‘80s (Gallery)
Absolutely everyone remembers their childhood holidays. The excitement when we would start…
Where do Bosnians travel the most?
Germany was the third most attractive destination for BiH tourists last year,…
The Arab Empire of Real Estate on Barice above Sarajevo
With the rise of temperatures, an increasing number of tourists come to…
Waiting at the Border Crossings up to 15 Minutes
Due to high daily temperatures drivers are recommended to avoid longer drives…
Up to one Hour waiting time on border Crossing Doljani
At the border crossing Doljani waiting time to cross the border is…