When asked where B&H is today, whether this is still a country of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, Komšić said that both war and post-war period have taken their toll.
Komšić said that the State Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ZAVNOBiH) saw B&H as a country of all of us.
“Unlike that idea, those are Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks and all other completely equal at the entire territory of B&H. Nowadays we are lacking this element of unity here. B&H still is and will be, it will survive all of this, this country of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats and all others. The problem is equality at every inch of this country,” Komšić said.
When asked is B&H in danger of drawing of the maps as it was 20 years ago, Komšić said:
“Cartographers are peeking around the corner and waiting media and intellectual preparation to say ‘That’s it, that’s the only possible B&H’, regardless of how it is packed. They want to draw the borders of their country again, and borders are war objectives until 1995”.
Komšić said that the coordination mechanism is a type of media and political preparation that, in this case, cantons as ethnically rounded wholes become partners at state level in foreign policy terms, which is exclusive jurisdiction of the state.
Commenting on the host’s statement that the Croat Democratic Union (HDZ) does not deny B&H but say that it is their homeland, Komšić said that “they want to round up ‘what is theirs’ and divide what is left in the FB&H”.
Komšić stated he told to Čović that he respects people who voted for HDZ and that he can cooperate with anyone, but that he can never get the third entity.
(Source: nap.ba)