A total of 204,570 Bosnians and Herzegovinians have no valid ID card. This was confirmed for “Avaz” newspapers by Goran Rakic, the Head of the Cabinet of the Agency for Identification Documents, Record and Data Exchange (IDDEEA).
Out of this number, 115,278 citizens live in Federation of BiH, 80,816 in the Republika Srpska entity, and 8,476 in Brcko District.
Possession of a valid identity card is a legal obligation and all citizens are obliged to apply for a new identity card to the competent Ministry of Interior in 15 days before the expiration of their personal residence, depending on the place of residence.
But alarming is the fact that these statutory provisions, for which the breach is prescribed by a fine of 30 to 300 BAM, are not important for more than two hundred thousand citizens in our country.